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Some of my favorites...

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Jan. 20, 2020: You Are Mine!

I love the way that God uses my current interests to shed light on the deeper truths about His character.

Recently, I found a TV series that I have fallen in love with. The show is called “The Chosen”. 

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February 2018: My Funny Valentine & He Loves Me!  

It was subtle at first.

Soon it became obvious and then I looked for it.

All the messages God was sending me were becoming a sweet game we could play together. A kind of hide n seek of sorts. God would hide them and I would find them.


Dec. 15, 2017: A Lesson In Love Grinch Style  

Christmas is my favorite holiday!

I love all the glitter, sparkles, and twinkling of lights. The drab becomes alive and well, magical. The ugliest tree can be transformed into something beautiful. Yes, Christmas has that magic.

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Aug 4, 2017: The Great Hook Up  

I hear the words from an old Johnny Cash song reverberating in my head. It’s the beginning lyrics to his song, “Folsom Prison Blues” the lyrics sing out this verse.

I hear the train a comin’ rollin’ round the bend 

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